CARC Paint- Things You Need to Know!

This paint is different from other paints in its properties and characteristics. Hence, it is used for specific purposes such as painting military vehicles. The real pain is removing those tiny scratches or re-painting your car but when I discover the car paint protection Adelaide it did protect my paint.

Now you might be thinking what is different in CARC paint as compared to other paints and why it is used for military vehicles? Let’s find an answer to it.

Properties and Use

CARC paint is a non-porous paint which is highly resistant to chemical and biological warfare agents. It makes vehicle surface nonabsorbent which repels the chemical agents. Hence, vehicles can be decontaminated easily with decontamination solutions without damaging the paint.

Non-porous surface of the paint makes it easy to clean the vehicle with a decontaminating solution. While other paints lack these characteristics. They are porous and absorb chemical agents that make it very difficult to decontaminate the vehicle. There are several other benefits of CARC paint as well which make it a perfect choice for painting military vehicles. We will discuss those later in this post.

Application of CARC

Military equipment is camouflaged with the CARC coating. Application of CARC paint is a three-step process. First of all, a surface is thoroughly cleaned and pretreated. Then, the primer is applied to ensure the maximum bondage of paint with the surface. And at last, a top coat of epoxy base is applied for interiors and polyurethane coat for the exterior of military vehicles.

The process of painting the vehicle with CARC is very complicated. Inhaling the CARC paint during its application can lead to serious health issues. Therefore, it is better to leave the job in the hands of professionals.

Benefits of CARC Paint

Chemical Resistance

CARC coating is impervious and highly resistant to chemical agents. It repels chemical and biological warfare agents. Hence, it protects the personnel using the vehicle. It also protects against radioactivity.

Confuses Infrared Technology

Camouflaging of military vehicles with non-porous, low-reflection CARC pigment makes them undetectable even to infrared cameras. It means military vehicle hide easily and blend with the environment much better.

Ease of Decontamination

Decontaminating the vehicles is an expensive, difficult, and time-consuming process. But CARC coating can be neutralized easily because it does not absorb chemical agents. Also, it is more durable than ordinary paints. It will not get damaged easily during the decontamination process.

These are the key benefits of the CARC paint.

So this is brief about CARC paint. In the U.S a very few manufacturers are authorized to produce CARC paint. Hence, find a licensed service provider if you are looking for the CARC paint producers.

Posted in: Car