5 Ways To Properly Dispose Of Solid Waste


Solid waste is the general term for anything that is disposed of, or thrown away. It’s a broad category that includes everything from leftover food to broken appliances, and it can be divided into two categories: organic and inorganic. Organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, doesn’t break down easily in landfills due to its high moisture content and lack of oxygen. Inorganic waste such as glass bottles, metal cans and plastic containers can leach chemicals into soil or ground water if they aren’t properly recycled or disposed of correctly. The cheap skip bins Adelaide are more useful than those expensive one because ecoskiphire.com.au maintain their skips.


Recycling is the process of reusing materials to create new products. Recyclable items include aluminum and steel cans, plastic bottles and containers, newspapers, magazines and cardboard boxes.

Visit www.recycleforlife.org to find out what your city recycles and where to take it for recycling in your area. If you don’t know how to recycle some of your waste materials (like Styrofoam or batteries), contact your local sanitation department or visit their website for more information on how you can properly dispose of them safely at home.

Recycling helps reduce the amount of waste going into landfills by diverting it away from trash collection trucks so they can carry less garbage and more recyclables instead! When you recycle correctly, it also reduces air pollution because fewer vehicles will be needed during collections because there’ll be less trash overall!


Composting is a great way to reduce the amount of waste you produce. And it’s incredibly easy and rewarding to do. Composting is essentially the controlled decomposition of organic matter, like vegetable scraps and yard clippings, into nutrient-rich humus that can be used as fertilizer for plants or sold at local farmers markets.

Compost bins can be purchased online or at your local home improvement store. If you don’t want to buy them, there are plenty of options for building your own bin from recycled materials—like an old garbage can or wooden pallets!

To get started with composting:

  • Collect food scraps in a container in your kitchen (like a paper bag or plastic recycling bin) until it gets full enough that you need to take it outside. Then add the contents onto your compost pile (or into another container if you’re using multiple containers), water occasionally with rainwater if possible, turn occasionally with something like a pitchfork or shovel (or just use hands), keep covered while not actively turning/stirring contents so heat buildup doesn’t accelerate decomposition too fast which could create problematic odors and gases…and voila! Your first batch should be ready within two weeks’ time depending on how warm/cold temperatures are where you live during winter months; summer months will likely yield quicker results but only if there’s enough rainwater available for watering purposes.)

Donate items to a thrift store.

Now you’re ready to give away your unwanted items.

  • Donate items that are still in good condition and useful to someone else, like clothing, household goods and other items.
  • Donate items that you don’t want anymore, but can be of use to someone else. These may include old furniture or electronics like laptops or cell phones.
  • Donate items that you have no use for anymore because they’re no longer needed by you or anyone else in your family. This can include clothing worn only once before being put away into storage as well as any other kinds of unused household goods such as pots and pans with scratches on them from years of use without proper care (not our fault). And finally…

Throw your waste in the garbage.

You can dump your waste in the garbage. If you’re in a building, this means going to the basement and chucking it into a big bin. If you’re outdoors, just throw it wherever there’s no people or animals around and don’t get caught by someone who might tell a cop about it (see below).

Don’t throw your waste on the ground! If you do this, then city workers will have to pick it up and take it somewhere where other people won’t see them working as hard as possible not to lose their minds thinking about how much waste there is everywhere all the time.

Trash it in a bin that won’t get picked up by city workers.

While it may be tempting to use the trash cans that are found around the city in order to dispose of your household waste, this is not the best option. It will be picked up by city workers and could potentially end up in a landfill that does not follow eco-friendly policies. In addition, if you’re putting it out for pick-up on garbage day and someone from the city sees it, they’ll know that there was an illegal dump somewhere along their route. This could lead them to investigate further, which may result in fines or legal action being taken against you. The last thing anyone wants is a fine!

To avoid these problems altogether, consider recycling instead of throwing out items such as plastic bags containing dryer lint (which can become airborne), toothbrushes with old paste still clinging onto them (which also releases chemicals into our environment), and empty bags of potato chips (which can be reused). If none of those options sound good enough then try composting instead! Composting involves mixing wet materials such as food scraps with dry ones like leaves into layers before letting them decompose over time into nutrient rich soil for gardens and plants alike!

Solid waste is bad for the environment, so don’t make it worse.

Solid waste is bad for the environment, so don’t make it worse. Solid waste can be recycled, composted, donated or thrown in the trash. The problem with throwing solid waste in a bin that won’t get picked up by city workers is that it becomes pollution. If you’re using a service like garbage collection or trash pickup to get rid of your garbage then go ahead and put your recycling in there too because those services will pick that up too!


We hope that this article has been informative, and we’re happy to share even more tips for reducing your waste. Go here to contact us with any questions or concerns about how you can help keep our planet clean.